
TOOLSFOR ASSESSING AND BUILDING HEALTHThe Health of a Christian Leader Assessment 3.0Do a health check across your five cores of well-being.assesmentWell-Being GaugesTrack your energy depleters and buoyancy to build self-awareness.Wellbeing GaugesBuoyancy GaugeA simple and powerful tool in building self-awareness.Buoyancy GaugeWell-Being Q SnapshotTake a seven second health snapshot.Health SnapshotMentor Q Competency ProfileA 360º tool to gauge mentor competency and train effective mentors.MENTORQMentor …

Gauges build well-being

Gauges build well-beingCOACHINGGauges build well-beingIn the journey to health from burnout, I developed 4 gauges. These help me to grow in self-reflection, thereby building self-awareness, and importantly empower me to self-moderate. They have been integral to my sustained health. Twice, these gauges have rescued me from slipping back into burnout by clearly showing the powerful link between depleters and buoyancy. …

The key to the building self-reflection.

Here is a benchmark: “Healthy Christian Leaders practise self-reflection. Why? Self-reflection is pausing from other activities to observe what is happening in your thoughts, emotions and behaviours. It is essential to build self-awareness. Like any other skill, it becomes most effective when it is practised at least weekly. How regular is your practise of self-reflection? Daily? Weekly? Occasionally? Do you …

2 steps to managing conflict

Healthy key relationships don’t just happen. They are built over time, flowing out of a healthy well-being, with intentional interactions to develop relationships. In three blogs we have have explored the following builders of healthy key relationships. 1 Experiencing belonging and connectedness. 2 Proactively construct enduring relationships 3 Communicate effectively and transparently Today we explore the fourth builder: healthy conflict …

Building Healthy Key Connections #2 – Proactively construct enduring relationships

How healthy are your key relationships? Healthy key connections are essential for emotional well-being. This is true for all people of influence irrespective of the title of a leadership role. Mums and dads are people of influence. Emotionally healthy people and leaders proactively build enduring relationships. On a recent trip to the country to visit family, at the end of …

Adventures are Opportunities for Forming Friendships

Share an adventure Gandalf: I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it’s very difficult to find anyone. Bilbo: I should think so—in these parts! We are plain, quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them …

Adrenaline: friend or foe

Adrenaline: the friend Adrenaline is a hormone that our body produces in response to stress. In a moment of danger, it kicks in to help us navigate to a place of safety. In this way it is a very helpful friend. Yesterday, I saw my cat playing with a meter (three foot) brown snake—one of the most poisonous types in …

Absorbing the bumps of life

What are the margins that you are happy to live with? Margins are buffers we build to resource our life journey. They act like a shock absorber when you hit one of the bumps in life. Can you absorb the bumps? I used to live with low margins of time and money. The pressure of life and busyness I placed …

The 3 Components of Burnout

In my late teens, burnout described an adrenaline-fueled moment in a car. You floored the accelerator, redlined the motor, dropped the clutch, the wheels would spin, scream and smoke. The vehicle would have no momentum. Eventually though, the tires would grab and the vehicle launch forward. Often the vehicle was then out of control. This was dangerous driving.   Burnout …