building a sustainable life.

Featured image for “Hello all, ”
Today I’m sharing some important and exciting news; we (myself and Adrienne) will be stepping down as Senior Ministers of C3 Church Robina in November this year. We have been preparing for this over the last 5 years in consultation with C3 Church leadership. In consultation and with affirmation of C3 and our board, we are delighted to name Josh

Hello all, 

October 6, 2022
Featured image for “Adaptability — A key to thriving relationships during life’s storms”
Why do many relationships survive life’s traumas but some do not?The death of a child, major injury, acute sickness or intense financial pressure are some of the reasons given for relationship breakdown. Yet, some relationships grow stronger and deeper through similar difficulties. The passion to live in harmony One major characteristic of relationships that thrive in difficulty is their ability

Adaptability — A key to thriving relationships during life’s storms

June 16, 2020
Featured image for “2 steps to managing conflict”
Healthy key relationships don’t just happen. They are built over time, flowing out of a healthy well-being, with intentional interactions to develop relationships. In three blogs we have have explored the following builders of healthy key relationships. 1 Experiencing belonging and connectedness. 2 Proactively construct enduring relationships 3 Communicate effectively and transparently Today we explore the fourth builder: healthy conflict

2 steps to managing conflict

May 27, 2020
Featured image for “2 builders, 2 impeders and 2 destroyers of Effective Communication”
2 things that build trust: Listening and Affirmation Have you noticed that when you talk with emotionally healthy influencers and leaders you feel listened to, affirmed and encouraged? There is something about the way they consistently listen with empathy and speak with clarity that builds trust. You are made to feel safe and valued and that you belong. There are

2 builders, 2 impeders and 2 destroyers of Effective Communication

May 20, 2020
Featured image for “Building Healthy Key Connections #2 – Proactively construct enduring relationships”
How healthy are your key relationships? Healthy key connections are essential for emotional well-being. This is true for all people of influence irrespective of the title of a leadership role. Mums and dads are people of influence. Emotionally healthy people and leaders proactively build enduring relationships. On a recent trip to the country to visit family, at the end of

Building Healthy Key Connections #2 – Proactively construct enduring relationships

March 26, 2020
Featured image for “An emotionally-healthy leader is great to be with. This is why.”
Flowing on the last Building Healthy Key Connections—Experiencing Belonging and Connectedness. They experience a strong sense of connectedness with their key people. Being secure in themselves, they interact securely with those close to them. They are comfortable being close and getting close. Their connectedness ensures they consistently experience a healthy sense of belonging. Trust exudes from them and their strong

An emotionally-healthy leader is great to be with. This is why.

March 19, 2020
Featured image for “Building Healthy Key Connections — Experiencing Belonging & Connectedness”
How healthy are your key relationships? Healthy key connections are essential for emotional well-being. High emotional health makes healthy key relationships. When we are not well emotionally, key connections will be impacted and unhealthy key connections also affect us emotionally.This is true for all people, irrespective of the extent of their influence, whether they have a title of leadership or

Building Healthy Key Connections — Experiencing Belonging & Connectedness

March 12, 2020