building a sustainable life.

Featured image for “Five Steps to Identifying Key Areas for Growth”
Are you a mentor or supervisor? Click through to read this article to explore how to create a health plan with your mentee/supervisee, introduce them to the Five Core Competencies and ensure a successful relationship.

Five Steps to Identifying Key Areas for Growth

December 14, 2023
Featured image for “Three Questions that Help Mentees Determine Outcomes”
Want to explore outcomes with your mentees? Read this article to learn how to help your mentee consider what is real, sound, and legal when making decisions. My mentor resources will help you grow your mentoring skills and assess your competency level. Click through to learn more!

Three Questions that Help Mentees Determine Outcomes

November 30, 2023
Featured image for “The Church Mental Health Summit is Coming!”
Discover the importance of mental health in ministry and learn practices to maintain your own personal well-being as a leader with the Church Mental Health Summit. Join me and many other amazing speakers to explore topics such as global health, community health, church health, and leadership health. Registration is free and there is a replay pass option available for purchase. Click through to learn more and join us on October 10!

The Church Mental Health Summit is Coming!

September 19, 2023
Featured image for “Pride”
Who else has trouble with empathy and pride? I think the truth is that we all do at times. Sometimes we get impatient with the people around us, sometimes we don’t want to ask for help and we’re not interested in helping. We have all looked down on others and found ourselves superior in our own minds on occasion. Some


January 7, 2021
Featured image for “Demonstrating Emotional Intelligence under Stress”
This time of the year can be especially stressful … especially this year. The holidays are already a stressful and hectic time for many of us, but a new layer of tension is added by the pandemic…will we be able to see our family? Should we see our family? There might be pressure to stay home, or pressure to attend

Demonstrating Emotional Intelligence under Stress

December 31, 2020
Featured image for “Three ways to practise curiosity”
Here is a benchmark of Healthy Christian Leaders: Display a modest view of one’s importance, abilities and strengths. How do they do that? By demonstrating altruism, empathy and curiosity, seeking to learn in all situations. This blog explores the practice of curiosity. When I was struggling with burnout, one of the things I noticed was a significant decline in my

Three ways to practise curiosity

December 17, 2020
Featured image for “3 keys to humility”
Displaying humility When I was two, my parents took me on the train to Alice Springs in central Australia. My dad was an engine driver, so it was a really novel thing for me. During the journey, my mother gave me a tin full of biscuits for a snack. I looked around at all the people on the train and

3 keys to humility

December 10, 2020
Featured image for “Five steps to gain emotional restraint”
What causes you to forgo emotional restraint? One of the most embarrassing things a parent deals with is a toddler throwing a tantrum in public. The good news is that most children learn they do not get the outcome they want and grow out of this behaviour. When leading a youth camp, I took car keys from a 18yo male

Five steps to gain emotional restraint

December 3, 2020
Featured image for “4 keys to self-regulate emotions”
Here is the benchmark: Healthy Christian Leaders self-regulate emotions. Being aware of the impact emotions have upon others, they take action to manage their emotions. One of the signs I was not emotionally well was becoming more critical in conversation. It became harder to hold my tongue—cynical and critical words flowed. Kindness was replaced with sharp bluntness. I found it

4 keys to self-regulate emotions

November 26, 2020