building a sustainable life.

Featured image for “What the Bible Teaches us About Integrity”
As with many abstract terms, it can be hard to articulate how to maintain integrity. For me, integrity means that a person acts consistently honest and true to their morals, whether in private or in public. Think of our modern social media influencers; they may present themselves as living a perfect life while hiding their struggles and flaws. Many people often hide behind a false image of themselves, but we need to be authentic, honest and open to sharing our flaws and struggles with our mentee/supervisee when appropriate…

What the Bible Teaches us About Integrity

May 23, 2024
Featured image for “Join this Research Project and Make a Meaningful Impact on Christian Leaders’ Health.”
My Message Some wonderful news: a research project on Christian Leaders Health is underway. It’s an empirical validation of the health of a Christian Leader assessment tool I developed with Dr Bob Logan and Prof Chuck Riddley.  It’s based on Dr Keith Farmers’ 5 core questions. If you are interested in being healthy, take the survey. Also, pass this survey

Join this Research Project and Make a Meaningful Impact on Christian Leaders’ Health.

January 22, 2024
Featured image for “MERRY CHRISTMAS!”
It is here once again… Christmas time! Every year as I reread the Christmas story, something new jumps out at me. This year, it’s a verse in the Luke 2 story of the shepherds visiting Mary and baby Jesus.  “17 Upon seeing this miraculous sign, the shepherds recounted what had just happened. 18 Everyone who heard the shepherds’ story was


December 23, 2023
Featured image for “How to Problem-Solve using Biblical Principles”
Click through to explore how to use the Bible to help your mentees with problem-solving. Learn to engage, reflect and apply Biblical principles when mentoring. Find out how to use reflection questions to help mentees find faith-based solutions.

How to Problem-Solve using Biblical Principles

August 24, 2023
Featured image for “The Mentor Essentials Cohort is Finally Here”
Are you sensing God’s call to develop your gifting in helping and nurturing others? Join us for our Mentoring Essentials Cohort and explore how to become an effective mentor. Learn more and join our free introductory webinar on June 22nd (21st, depending on your location). Click through to find out more!

The Mentor Essentials Cohort is Finally Here

June 15, 2023
Featured image for “When Life is overwhelming”
When life is overwhelming, take a step back and trust in the Lord. Get a new perspective and remember that there is always light in the darkness. Find comfort in the story of Elisha and the Arameans. Read this article for more on how to cope.

When Life is overwhelming

December 22, 2022
Featured image for “Reflections from the Clergy and Congregational Well-being Conference ”
I recently attended a conference at Duke University in North Carolina on congregational and clergy health in the church. It was an inspiring experience to be surrounded by so many people of different denominations and backgrounds, all united by the common goal of strengthening and healing the clergy and congregations in their care. The conference made me think about the importance of community and mentorship, and how working alone can feel isolating and futile when faced with the massive changes that need to be made. The story of Elijah in the Bible reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles, and that God cares for his leaders and is doing something beautiful for his church. Click through to read more about my reflections from the conference.

Reflections from the Clergy and Congregational Well-being Conference 

November 24, 2022
Featured image for “What I learned from Covid 19”
A few weeks ago, Adrienne and I attended the C3 Church conference in Tasmania and then stayed for a week’s holiday. We spent a great day in Port Arthur with some friends, visiting a world heritage site that was once a British penal colony. We rested, explored Hobart and hung out with friends. As we were about to check in

What I learned from Covid 19

June 16, 2022
Featured image for “Chrismas is empathy in the flesh”
Beginning as children, we are often told the importance of empathy. We are taught not to push other kids on the playground, or take their toys because “how would you like it if they did that to you?” This is usually our first brush with the concept that other people have feelings, just like us. They can feel hurt and

Chrismas is empathy in the flesh

December 24, 2020