building a sustainable life.

Featured image for “New Series for Mentors/Supervisors!”
New Series!It is important to continually analyse and adjust your own mentoring methods, not just assume that you are being effective. You should apply assessments, self-reflection, and the assistance of outside perspectives and wisdom to discover what is working and what needs adjusting, your strengths and weaknesses…

New Series for Mentors/Supervisors!

July 4, 2024
Featured image for “The Importance of Professional Development ”
What is the role of professional development in mentoring or supervision? I see it as a journey of discovery. Just like we are available to others to help them see what they cannot see on their own, we also need an outside perspective when developing our own skills. Even the best mentor/supervisor is not all-knowing or all-seeing…

The Importance of Professional Development 

June 27, 2024
Featured image for “Building Strong Parameters with Clients”
We have spent a lot of time looking at the nitty-gritty elements of the relationship between mentors and mentees/supervisors and supervisees; how to handle delicate information and situations, how to treat clients with integrity and dignity, how to navigate conflicting interests…. Many of these issues come back to the parameters of the relationship. A parameter is a fixed limit on

Building Strong Parameters with Clients

June 20, 2024
Featured image for “Our New Series Begins Today! ”
What does it mean to be principled in your practice? This is an essential competency for a mentor/supervisor… which we will be focusing on for the next few weeks. To be principled in practice means that you “adhere to core values and beliefs rooted in sound doctrine.” Every mentor/supervisor needs a code of conduct for their practice. There are likely already some set up for you, beginning with the legal requirements in the area you practise, including the denomination or professional association you are working within…

Our New Series Begins Today! 

May 9, 2024
Featured image for “We Have a Big Announcement!”
I am so excited to share this news… My new book, Creating a Vision for Health, is published! I’ve spent the last several years reflecting on well-being and exploring what health (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual) can look like for Christian leaders. My thoughts have finally come together in this book as I explore the five competencies essential to leadership: Vital Spirituality, Thriving Relationships, Emotional Intelligence, Sustainable Life and Reduced Risk, and the behaviours associated with each competency. I have also provided access to useful tools such as Verve Lead’s Well-Being Gauges, Well-Being Q Health Profile and the Mentor Q 360 Assessment.

We Have a Big Announcement!

May 3, 2024
Featured image for “Five Ways to Check if a Mentee’s Theology is Sound”
Occasionally when mentoring or supervising professionally in the Christian community, you will need to have a difficult conversation about theology and beliefs. Even within the Christian community, there are many differences: between denominations—for instance,Catholics and Protestants, Calvinists and Moravians all vary drastically—but there are also subtle differences even within a denomination. For example, some mentees/supervisees may believe in predestination, while others are firm believers in freewill. Every person is influenced by their own experiences and their spiritual education, which leads to many different interpretations of God’s word and will…

Five Ways to Check if a Mentee’s Theology is Sound

April 25, 2024
Featured image for “How to Overcome Discomfort with Difficult Conversations   ”
Over the last few weeks, we have been exploring how to confront and challenge our mentee or supervisee when it is necessary. We have mostly focused on how we, as a mentor or supervisor, can encourage our clients to open up, to speak frankly and to face difficulties in themselves and the world around them. Today, we are turning towards ourselves and how we handle those conversations…

How to Overcome Discomfort with Difficult Conversations   

April 11, 2024
Featured image for “Four ways to handle discrepancies in words and deeds  ”
The role of mentor/supervisor is a reflective practice. Our job is to help our clients learn to see what they are not seeing about themselves and their behaviour and encourage them to become more self-reflective on their path forward. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as holding up a mirror….

Four ways to handle discrepancies in words and deeds  

April 4, 2024
Featured image for “Four Questions to Help Understand what God Wants for You”
Have you ever finished a session with a mentee or supervisee and were left feeling that something was wrong? That something they said was not aligned with what God wants for them? It can be difficult to see behaviours or attitudes in your mentees or supervisees that you recognise as unbiblical and unhealthy for their lives but it also allows for the opportunity for you to provide some insight and, hopefully, help correct their path forward.

Four Questions to Help Understand what God Wants for You

March 28, 2024