April 29, 2021

Moving Beyond Rest to Restoration

When I was going through burnout, I felt so stuck and tired and got to the point where I just couldn’t keep going. I needed rest… lots of it. I took time off work to refuel and replenish, but eventually, I needed to begin…
Featured image for “Moving Beyond Rest to Restoration”

building a sustainable life.

Featured image for “Where can I grow my resilience?”
How do I handle life’s difficulties? Do I face them head-on or do I tend to procrastinate or simply ignore them? Do challenges make me feel anxious? Depressed? Exhilarated? Angry? We all handle hardships in different ways. Sometimes, we might leap towards challenges, looking forward to the chance to prove ourselves as strong or capable. Sometimes, we approach more cautiously,

Where can I grow my resilience?

April 22, 2021
Featured image for “The Key to Amplifying Resilience”
Everyone faces hardships. No matter who you are, or what kind of life you live, you will face hardships. We all face failure, grief and disappointment over and over. As we go about our lives, we usually try our best to avoid these moments… for obvious reasons. Sometimes, we even avoid good things out of fear of these things… of

The Key to Amplifying Resilience

April 15, 2021
Featured image for “Stuck in the circumstances of life?”
At some point, we have all felt trapped by the circumstances of life. We’ve been stuck in a low-paying job or a boss we can’t tolerate, we’re been in bad relationships we can’t see a way out of or struggled to achieve a goal that feels out of our reach. The good news is there is almost always a way

Stuck in the circumstances of life?

April 8, 2021
Featured image for “The key barrier to taking responsibility—Self-isolation”
The Elijah Syndrome When do you feel the most alone? Think about these two scenarios; a Saturday afternoon after a normal but decent and productive week of work. You take a walk, work in your garden, read an interesting book and have a good meal. Or a Saturday afternoon after a long, hard week filled with conflict and you’re heading

The key barrier to taking responsibility—Self-isolation

April 1, 2021