building a sustainable life.

Featured image for “Asking tough questions disarmingly builds relational bonds ”
Click through to explore how to ask tough questions with compassion and safety! I’m learning more about the importance of mentors in our lives and the best ways to ask hard questions from this great article. Find out how to make your mentee feel safe, build relationships and avoid judgement!

Asking tough questions disarmingly builds relational bonds 

May 4, 2023
Featured image for “Professional Mentoring/Supervision.”
I’m exploring how to become a stronger, healthier leader and person. Click through to watch a video that explains the benefits of professional mentoring and professional supervision. See for yourself why mentors and supervisors are key to avoiding/recovering from burnout and building better professional development standards. Click through to find out more!

Professional Mentoring/Supervision.

March 30, 2023
Featured image for “Leadership Issues and Mentors.”
Discover how to stay motivated as a Christian leader. This article explores the 64 competencies needed for pastoral leadership. Discover how to stay motivated, and learn how to find hope and healing in the midst of it all.

Leadership Issues and Mentors.

March 23, 2023
Featured image for “Challenge of leadership.”
Struggling with leadership and feeling overwhelmed by the challenges? Check out this article to explore some of these challenges and find hope for support. Learn how to identify burnout, ineptness and abuse and see how God’s mission can be accomplished. Click above to hear about the help available and get back on track with your leadership.

Challenge of leadership.

March 16, 2023
What does it mean to be healthy? A difficulty we found is that there is no common definition of well-being and no way to quantify it. Verve Lead wants to create a way to gauge our own health to understand it better. Watch the video to see what health means to us!Discover your vision for health, take the well-being Q

Vision for health

March 11, 2023
Featured image for “When Money Changes Hands”
Explore the impact of charging for mentoring and how it makes a difference for both the mentor and mentee. Learn how to be a professional mentor, the financial element and the mechanics of a mentoring partnership. Read my article to join the conversation and share your thoughts!

When Money Changes Hands

February 9, 2023
Featured image for “A key factor in mentoring and professional supervision – Tranparency”
Increase your leadership effectiveness by becoming more transparent in your mentoring relationships. Learn how to build trust and vulnerability with your mentor, and the benefits of being open and honest in a safe space.

A key factor in mentoring and professional supervision – Tranparency

December 15, 2022
Featured image for “Building Transparency in mentoring and professional supervision ”
In this article I explore ways to build trust and transparency in mentorship and professional supervision. I’m sharing the 4 key steps that help to do this, including listening, responding, patience and clarity of purpose. Read more to find out how to foster an environment of trust and safety.

Building Transparency in mentoring and professional supervision 

December 8, 2022
Featured image for “Why should I engage a mentor and professional supervisor? ”
Explore the reasons why engaging a mentor or professional supervisor is important. It’s best practice, helps us to thrive, and fulfills God’s mission. Learn more about why it’s so beneficial to have these supports in my latest article.

Why should I engage a mentor and professional supervisor? 

December 1, 2022