1. To see what you don’t see, and take actions you are not taking. Do you set a regular time for self-reflection? It that time effective? You can see effectiveness in the action you take from the insights gained. (See my last two blogs.) This practice is one of the things that separate good from great leaders. You will see

What does self-reflection give you access to? The key to open the door of self-reflection is practice. What’s behind the door? Where does it take you? The practice of self-reflection builds self-awareness which then empowers you to take action on the insights you gain. A catalyst for change Self-reflection helps you see who you are i.e. become more self-aware (see
A catalyst for change
September 8, 2020
Here is a benchmark: “Healthy Christian Leaders practise self-reflection. Why? Self-reflection is pausing from other activities to observe what is happening in your thoughts, emotions and behaviours. It is essential to build self-awareness. Like any other skill, it becomes most effective when it is practised at least weekly. How regular is your practise of self-reflection? Daily? Weekly? Occasionally? Do you
The key to the building self-reflection.
September 1, 2020
Healthy Christian leaders progressively develop and evaluate an accurate picture of themselves.
The biggest hindrance to constructing self-awareness
August 18, 2020
Early in June 2020, my wife’s mother passed. Thankfully, we were able to gain essential traveller status for compassionate reasons to enter South Australia and be with her a few days before. (The state borders were closed for COVID-19.) Mum was ready to go, clearly letting everyone know she knew where she was headed. Such wonderful faith. She was the
Self-awareness promotes self-care
August 11, 2020
Healthy Christian leaders progressively develop and evaluate an accurate picture of themselves.
A 3D View of Self-Awareness
August 4, 2020
One of the major things for sustained emotional health is a developed and growing self-awareness.All of us have some awareness and some blindness of who we are.The Johari Window technique gives insight to this. Some areas of our life are visible to others and ourselves. We have a secrete area where things are hidden from others. We have areas we
2 Failures Of Limited Self-Awareness.
July 28, 2020
How is your buoyancy? Buoyancy is the ability to float. Also, it’s the cheerful and optimistic attitude or disposition. It’s your verve, your vim, your va-voom. In floating terms, there are two forces at play, weight that pulls down and buoyancy that is upthrust. One of the 5 key gauges to keep watch on is your emotional well-being. This measure