How healthy are your key relationships? Healthy key connections are essential for emotional well-being. High emotional health makes healthy key relationships. When we are not well emotionally, key connections will be impacted and unhealthy key connections also affect us emotionally.This is true for all people, irrespective of the extent of their influence, whether they have a title of leadership or

Being the spouse of a person going through burnout has its own difficulties. (Today’s guest blogger is my wife Adrienne. In Aug 2019 we celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. I am proud to say Adrienne is editor of these blogs. See her article on How I became Don’s Editor) Indeed, how do we even approach the topic with our spouse
My spouse is going through burnout: part 1.
January 28, 2020
Back when Don and I met, long before the internet and its immediate correspondence, we wrote a letter to each other once a week. Later, letters became tagged ‘snail mail’, partly because of the time it took to travel to its destination and partly because, if it lay in a damp letterbox overnight, the snails would eat holes and leave
How I Became Don’s Editor: Adrienne Easton
January 23, 2020
Today’s video blog I am chatting with Dr Chris Adams, Associate Professor and Executive Director, Center for Vocational Ministry AZUSA Pacific University. I met Chris when he was presenting in the “Health of a Leader” D.Min class at Fuller Seminary. Chris shares from his extensive research keys to flourishing in ministry. We flourish through growing self-awareness. How to build self-awareness?
Flourishing in ministry
November 15, 2019
KEITH FARMER’S STORY – burnout, recovery and mentoring Today’s guest blogger: Dr Keith Farmer. I had been in full-time ministry for 11 years (in two churches in Sydney) when I accepted a dual ministry in Melbourne (half-time as an Associate Pastor in a local church and half-time as a Faculty Member of a Theological College). My teaching areas were Pastoral
Keith Farmer’s Story
September 10, 2019
Identifying your core values and beliefs. By the time I met Adrienne (we married in 1979), I knew that my life would be spent helping people to know God. Finding God had changed my life and given it purpose and meaning. In planning for marriage, we chatted about how this would impact our children. It saddened me when I met
Seeds we sow are the trees we reap
August 21, 2019
How are your key relationships? Along with living a life of purpose where gifts and goals align, a key to thriving* is having great relationships. Relationships that experience a healthy level of connectedness provide an atmosphere that enables us to thrive. We flourish with the right conditions. Similar to an orchid plant in an orchid house, where moisture and temperature
Deep and Positive Connections are Key to Thriving
July 30, 2019
What is your purpose? A big key to thriving* is living with purpose. People who don’t have a purpose or have lost purpose will not live their best life. Without purpose, life focus becomes surviving and is far from thriving. You are a masterpiece created to do wonderful things. Discovering your purpose will put energy into your soul and vitality
From surviving to thriving through finding meaning to your life.
July 24, 2019
As we came to the six-week mark of James’ passing, it seemed that life is returning to normal. I am grateful that people still ask how are you doing? While I recognise that sometimes I am not doing well, I’m grateful to be able to say, that most of the time I am doing ok. I often answer, “The time