building a sustainable life.

Featured image for “Managing our need for Social Media”
Social Media–A Modern Addiction There is no denying that smart technology has changed our daily lives. We have access to everything: tomorrow’s weather forecast, restaurant menus, even our favourite TV shows right in our pocket! But for all the entertainment and ease new technology adds to our lives, there is a downside. Many of us have become addicted to our

Managing our need for Social Media

February 18, 2021
Featured image for “Develop self-moderation—the key to building self-discipline”
Develop self-moderation rather than rely on prohibition. Everyone has something they just love: sweets, adrenaline, a cold beer… it’s normal. When something is good, we want more, and occasionally, we all over-indulge. That’s normal too. It’s when we form real addictions that things get scary and serious. No one wants to be dependent on a substance or experience outside of

Develop self-moderation—the key to building self-discipline

February 11, 2021
Featured image for “Strengthen your self-discipline”
Over the years, I have seen a lot of gifted, talented and charismatic people become immobilised by poor judgement and decisions. It might have been through unhealthy decisions for their body; such as addictions to junk food or alcohol. Or it might be unhealthy emotional addictions; such as a bad relationship or social media. Either way, any kind of addiction

Strengthen your self-discipline

February 5, 2021
Featured image for “Make New Year’s resolutions you can achieve”
Happy New Year! Here at the start of a fresh new season, we can’t help but look towards our future. What will this new year hold for us? What changes are in store? Where will be we a year from now? This tends to be the time of year when we make resolutions and goals. We optimistically resolve to throw

Make New Year’s resolutions you can achieve

January 14, 2021
Featured image for “May you thrive in 2021 — Happy New Year to you and yours”
I’m taking this moment to send greetings for the new year. May you thrive and be at your best. Praying that this year be your best, full of promise and opportunities. Opportunities come even through tough times. This time last year I was posting blogs on In the heat of COVID-19, to help leaders thrive, we founded and

May you thrive in 2021 — Happy New Year to you and yours

January 8, 2021
Featured image for “Pride”
Who else has trouble with empathy and pride? I think the truth is that we all do at times. Sometimes we get impatient with the people around us, sometimes we don’t want to ask for help and we’re not interested in helping. We have all looked down on others and found ourselves superior in our own minds on occasion. Some


January 7, 2021
Featured image for “Demonstrating Emotional Intelligence under Stress”
This time of the year can be especially stressful … especially this year. The holidays are already a stressful and hectic time for many of us, but a new layer of tension is added by the pandemic…will we be able to see our family? Should we see our family? There might be pressure to stay home, or pressure to attend

Demonstrating Emotional Intelligence under Stress

December 31, 2020
Featured image for “Three ways to practise curiosity”
Here is a benchmark of Healthy Christian Leaders: Display a modest view of one’s importance, abilities and strengths. How do they do that? By demonstrating altruism, empathy and curiosity, seeking to learn in all situations. This blog explores the practice of curiosity. When I was struggling with burnout, one of the things I noticed was a significant decline in my

Three ways to practise curiosity

December 17, 2020
Featured image for “3 keys to humility”
Displaying humility When I was two, my parents took me on the train to Alice Springs in central Australia. My dad was an engine driver, so it was a really novel thing for me. During the journey, my mother gave me a tin full of biscuits for a snack. I looked around at all the people on the train and

3 keys to humility

December 10, 2020