In today’s video blog, I am chatting with Ps Joe Martin, church planter and founder of C3 Church Trinity, Dallas TX. Ps Joe shares his keys to 32 years in ministry. Have a listen to his thoughts on the keys of perseverance and who you surround yourself with. Who do you surround yourself with? Who mentors you? Joe is a
Wishing you a happy Christmas as you celebrate the most pivotal point of history, the birth of Jesus. This event makes sense of life and love. Thank you Thank you for your kindness, encouragement and support in 2019. The journey trough 2019 has made us more grateful for family, friendships, faith and our community of faith. Thank you for your
Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year
December 24, 2019Today I am chatting with Ps Steve White from C3 Church Monash. He also has a national role in helping Australia churches and key leaders be healthy. He is a sought after speaker and has particular insight on pastoral emotional intelligence. Steve and Deb his wife planted C3 Kingscliff and moved to Monash to help the church thrive after a
The end game – Ps Steve White
December 19, 2019The building of trust is essential for forming friendships. Here are 5 keys to building trust in friendships. Keep your word Becoming dependable is foundational for friendships. This happens as we communicate clearly. When I was a young dad balancing the demands of work and family, Adrienne would ask me, “When will you be home?” I would say about 4
5 Keys for building friendships
December 12, 2019When did we stop talking? In the busyness and stress of our world, people are losing the art of forming friendships, perceiving that it’s easier to isolate than congregate. Community has become a geographical area rather than a group of people with a common resonance. For our well-being, we need to discover the art of connection. We thrive when we
Regaining the art of making connections
December 5, 2019Share an adventure Gandalf: I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it’s very difficult to find anyone. Bilbo: I should think so—in these parts! We are plain, quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them
Adventures are Opportunities for Forming Friendships
November 28, 2019So grateful for friends Recently we had a family tragedy. James our grandson died in childbirth. (You can read about some of the journey here: Link to blog) We were all heartbroken. One of the key things that have helped/is helping us journey through the grief is our friends; friends who called and friends who came over, people who reached
Friendships – the antidote to loneliness
November 22, 2019Today’s video blog I am chatting with Dr Chris Adams, Associate Professor and Executive Director, Center for Vocational Ministry AZUSA Pacific University. I met Chris when he was presenting in the “Health of a Leader” D.Min class at Fuller Seminary. Chris shares from his extensive research keys to flourishing in ministry. We flourish through growing self-awareness. How to build self-awareness?
Flourishing in ministry
November 15, 2019I asked my builder if I could help lay the timber floor for our new house. Graciously he consented if I completed a health and safety course. I got my white ticket and enjoyed making a difference. Our spotted gum floor looks wonderful. There is no white ticket for my industry. Do you know where the hazards and risks are