November 4, 2021

Your Relationship with God is Not an Obligation

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Build a Strong Foundation

Building a relationship with God on the basis of feeling obligated isn’t wrong, but if it is the sole motivator then it’s not sustainable for a healthy lifestyle. It’s like reading the Bible—I do this because I want to spend time with God, not because of duty. Sometimes religious duty can bring a sense of dullness when speaking with God, and it won’t impact your personal identity or change your behaviour. During this time, I hope you will ask yourself, what has caused this relationship to be dull and dry? Who am I in Christ? What is my identity?

Developing a Vital Connection with God

What do you do if reading the scripture is dull and you can’t sense God’s voice? This question is not uncommon in a Christian’s spiritual journey: sometimes, we can just get in a rut doing the same thing. That’s when we need to mix it up by doing something different. Make it fun again! This may be having a daily reading plan that will help you read the Bible or installing a Bible app that delivers a scripture of the day in your inbox.

I know two other practical ways that will help you hear God’s voice when it seems dull. One is being around people who have an obviously exciting, joyful and vital connection with God. The second is to chat with someone who is new in their faith, who radiates the vibrancy and gratitude of being given an amazing gift. Both kinds of people will spark your love for God and ignite again your vital connection with Him.

What Shapes Our Identity?

I encourage you to read verses that positively impact your spiritual journey, just as this Bible verse did for me:

“Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.”

– Romans 12:2

Our ideals and opinions are the voices that speak to us and shape our identity. Being transformed in Christ and altering your mindset will empower you to live a beautiful life knowing that God says you are loved. This is your gift from the Father.

Reflection Questions:

  • How would you describe your current relationship with God?
  • When was the last time you felt God speak with you? How did that affect you?
  • Is your reading the scriptures based on religious ritual or duty? What would inspire you?


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