building a sustainable life.

Featured image for “Self-Value is a Strategy for Work/Life Balance”
A Healthy Balance Begins with Valuing Yourself Why is it that work seems to overwhelm other areas of our lives? Many of us have had a job—or even still do—that seemed to require too much of us, or maybe we were even requiring too much of ourselves. After I went through burnout, I spent a lot of time reflecting on

Self-Value is a Strategy for Work/Life Balance

July 8, 2021
Featured image for “The Secret to Work-life Balance – Boundaries and Priorities”
There is something we all have in common… we all have to work for a living. Whether we are fortunate enough to have a job we find meaningful and fulfilling, or whether we are working just to pay the bills, we recognize that work is a huge part of our lives. In fact, for many of us, our work often

The Secret to Work-life Balance – Boundaries and Priorities

July 1, 2021
Featured image for “Risk Management in Christ”
Jesus Sends Out His Disciples (Luke 10:1-4) “The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit. These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to

Risk Management in Christ

June 24, 2021
Featured image for “Strength Can Be Found Within a Crisis”
Embrace Your Risks My job entails a lot of responsibility for others——I am a senior pastor who leads a team. This responsibility can feel like a heavy weight, especially when I feel threatened. It can be difficult to embrace risks and keep a level head, but I have learned that it is an essential skill as a leader and as

Strength Can Be Found Within a Crisis

June 17, 2021
Featured image for “Staying Calm Amongst the Risks”
Keeping Calm to Reduce Risks When we were building our current house, we wanted to be on-site as much as possible, part of the process of construction. The builder was a friend of ours and told me that we could come as long as we got “the white card.”  This is a certificate that identifies you onsite, to be highly

Staying Calm Amongst the Risks

June 10, 2021
Featured image for “4 Practices in reducing Stress”
This blog is by Max Rankin. Max is one called to come alongside and help. He is part of the leadership of Verve Lead. His practical insights will help many. Flick a link to this to someone who would benefit. Leave a helpful comment below. “I am not stressed but….” If you have heard something like this then read on…

4 Practices in reducing Stress

November 5, 2020