What would happen if you hit another crisis? On top of dealing with COVID and the normal challenges of life? Would you go under? If so, what can you do to strengthen buoyancy? Yes, verve can be lifted. My big encouragement here is to find someone to help you build emotional well-being. That person’s role is to help you see

1. What level is your emotional tank? How are you doing emotionally? Is your tank empty, just some in the tank, or full and ready to assist others? Yes, I am repeating myself.The key to maintaining your emotional well-being is firstly to take time to regularly reflect. This is wise. You should ask this question at least weekly: what level
3 Keys to Developing Emotional Well-being
October 14, 2020
Here is the benchmark: Healthy Christian Leaders Maintain Emotional Well-being. What does that look like? It’s living life with vigour and vim, not just keeping one’s head above water, but swimming with strength and ability sufficient to rescue others. One of the great keys to building emotional well-being is self-reflection which builds self-awareness. Another outcome of building self-reflection is self-moderation.
Building and Maintaining Emotional Well-being
October 6, 2020
The main two things that develop self-reflection:Asking the right questionsPractising these questions How to practise?—Set a recurring schedule for reflection. Yes, this practice needs to be regular. So, make a diary entry for self-reflection. Mine is Mondays 9:00-11:00am. I label it ‘Reflect and Refocus’ and set the location to my home study and the beach. What time will you allocate
Two things that develop self-reflection
September 29, 2020
Here is a benchmark of healthy leaders: they practise self-reflection. You make assumptions. What happens when this is missing? You make assumptions about what is happening and react badly. Unhealthy leaders complain and blame, like Adam who when not in a good place, said to God, “The woman you gave me…”, like a pastor who says to God, “The people
What happens when you give little time fof self-reflection
September 24, 2020
1. To see what you don’t see, and take actions you are not taking. Do you set a regular time for self-reflection? It that time effective? You can see effectiveness in the action you take from the insights gained. (See my last two blogs.) This practice is one of the things that separate good from great leaders. You will see
3 reasons to increase in understanding of emotional blind spots
September 17, 2020
What does self-reflection give you access to? The key to open the door of self-reflection is practice. What’s behind the door? Where does it take you? The practice of self-reflection builds self-awareness which then empowers you to take action on the insights you gain. A catalyst for change Self-reflection helps you see who you are i.e. become more self-aware (see
A catalyst for change
September 8, 2020
Here is a benchmark: “Healthy Christian Leaders practise self-reflection. Why? Self-reflection is pausing from other activities to observe what is happening in your thoughts, emotions and behaviours. It is essential to build self-awareness. Like any other skill, it becomes most effective when it is practised at least weekly. How regular is your practise of self-reflection? Daily? Weekly? Occasionally? Do you
The key to the building self-reflection.
September 1, 2020
Guest Blog – Max Rankin Palliative Care It was difficult watching my father-in-law experience sudden, debilitating pain attacks that were off the chart. This was the product of terminal throat cancer. Nurses would administer pain relief that took around 15 minutes to be effective and Dad would sleep for hours, exhausted. Can scripture ease pain? At the same time, I