June 8, 2023

An Opportunity for Christian Leaders

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This is an exciting season for Verve Lead and there are some amazing opportunities I want to share! To begin with, is a chance to take our free well-being quiz and receive a snapshot of your health. This is a great way to assess how you are doing professionally and personally, and understand how to move forward in your journey—physically, emotionally and spiritually. 

Additionally, from now until the end of July, we are offering a complementary feedback session to first 50 interested in discussing their quiz results with a member of the Verve Lead team. This session will be entirely personal to you and your results. Our mentor will share their insights, and together, you will begin to piece together a picture of your health.

For those who are in care professions or in leadership roles, balancing your own health, your relationships and your professional responsibilities can be overwhelming and exhausting. There are so many pressures that life piles onto us. Finding a path to move forward and grow as a leader and person is difficult to do alone. This method provides external support and a new perspective that will make you feel like you are becoming the you that you truly want to be. You can increase your resilience, and create a more sustainable way of working and living, with us by your side. 

Interested? Follow these steps: 

  1. Click on the link here 
  2. Take a free well-being q using the code COVIDFREE
  3. Fill out and request a complimentary feedback session with a member of our team!             

For more information: Personalised Mentoring / Professional Supervision – Verve Lead

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