December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year

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Wishing you a happy Christmas as you celebrate the most pivotal point of history, the birth of Jesus. This event makes sense of life and love.

Thank you

Thank you for your kindness, encouragement and support in 2019. The journey trough 2019 has made us more grateful for family, friendships, faith and our community of faith. Thank you for your connection.

Adrienne and I are looking forward to celebrating Christmas with our children and their children. It will be a much happier time than last time we were together.

How has your year been for you?

At the end of the year, take some time to reflect and have some conversations with those whom you hold dear about your reflections.

Has the year has been very tough for you? If so it may have taken a lot of blows and have often been in the fire. I trust you see that this has tempered and refined you. Like fire on gold that causing the dross to rise, see the refining process. Scrape off the dross and keep the gold. Tough times can refine and strengthen you. Have you thanked those who have carried you through the fire? Who are you talking with about your journey?

But look at you, you made it through another year. Well done!

So schedule some time for reflection. Go for a walk. Can you get to a beach or to a rain forest? Time to ponder and look into life. Here are some great starter questions? These are great questions for dinner tables that will also help you to build deeper connections.

Three great questions

Where did I see God at work this year?

Who is most important to me?

What is my assignment for 2020?

May your table be full of fun and festivity.

I hope that 2020 will be more than you long for.

This is my prayer for you and yours in 2020:
2 Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.

How is your self-reflection ability? Who can help you sharpen this ability?

Love to hear whats helpful. Post a comment as your thoughts can help others.

See you in 2020

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