July 25, 2024

Solving Problems at the Core

The old adage, “Things are not always as they seem,” is one that, despite its simplicity, holds a profound truth, especially for mentors and supervisors. Our clients are complicated humans, full of contradictions, blind spots and self-deceit. When they come to us with a…
Featured image for “Solving Problems at the Core”

building a sustainable life.

Featured image for “The Power of a Client’s Constructive Feedback”
Recently, I wrote about our mentors/supervising tools as an axe; it’s a tool that needs to be sharpened often. Likewise, we need to find ways to keep us sharp. Here, your client’s feedback can be a great asset to sharpen your tools. Unlike speaking to a third party, your client knows exactly what is happening in your sessions, and they also know what they need personally. They are the best people to review your work…

The Power of a Client’s Constructive Feedback

July 18, 2024
Featured image for “The Importance of Reflecting on Your Progress in Your Sessions”
It can be difficult to know what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong when it comes to analysing your own methodologies in mentoring or supervising. What might work with one client might not work with another. Sometimes mentoring/supervising will come easily, but sometimes it will feel like pulling teeth. It can be hard to see your own patterns, especially if you are not taking the time to reflect and review your actions. Here are a few ways to make sure you are making the most of your sessions and connecting effectively with your client…

The Importance of Reflecting on Your Progress in Your Sessions

July 11, 2024
Featured image for “New Series for Mentors/Supervisors!”
New Series!It is important to continually analyse and adjust your own mentoring methods, not just assume that you are being effective. You should apply assessments, self-reflection, and the assistance of outside perspectives and wisdom to discover what is working and what needs adjusting, your strengths and weaknesses…

New Series for Mentors/Supervisors!

July 4, 2024
Featured image for “The Importance of Professional Development ”
What is the role of professional development in mentoring or supervision? I see it as a journey of discovery. Just like we are available to others to help them see what they cannot see on their own, we also need an outside perspective when developing our own skills. Even the best mentor/supervisor is not all-knowing or all-seeing…

The Importance of Professional Development 

June 27, 2024
Featured image for “Building Strong Parameters with Clients”
We have spent a lot of time looking at the nitty-gritty elements of the relationship between mentors and mentees/supervisors and supervisees; how to handle delicate information and situations, how to treat clients with integrity and dignity, how to navigate conflicting interests…. Many of these issues come back to the parameters of the relationship. A parameter is a fixed limit on

Building Strong Parameters with Clients

June 20, 2024
Featured image for “Am I Acting in the Best Interest of my Mentee/Supervisee?”
How can we be sure that we are acting in the best interest of our mentees or supervisees? When in doubt, I always look to Jesus. Jesus was a servant leader. He led his disciples with humility. A classic example is how he washed the feet of others; he took the place of a servant because he wanted to show how he cared about the well-being of his followers. He wanted to help them feel clean…

Am I Acting in the Best Interest of my Mentee/Supervisee?

June 13, 2024
Featured image for “Three Questions to Ask About Professional Ethics”
Having a code of ethics, and then living by that code, is a mark of a strong mentor or supervisor. As a guide and caretaker of others, you set an example by reflecting on your own beliefs and becoming aware of the codes of ethics at play around you…

Three Questions to Ask About Professional Ethics

June 6, 2024
Featured image for “How to Navigate Conflicting Interests ”
There are two main ways I’ve seen conflicting interests affect mentors/supervisors; one is a personal conflict of interest, and the other is a dual relationship…

How to Navigate Conflicting Interests 

May 30, 2024
Featured image for “What the Bible Teaches us About Integrity”
As with many abstract terms, it can be hard to articulate how to maintain integrity. For me, integrity means that a person acts consistently honest and true to their morals, whether in private or in public. Think of our modern social media influencers; they may present themselves as living a perfect life while hiding their struggles and flaws. Many people often hide behind a false image of themselves, but we need to be authentic, honest and open to sharing our flaws and struggles with our mentee/supervisee when appropriate…

What the Bible Teaches us About Integrity

May 23, 2024