Happy Christmas, everyone! We are so grateful here at Verve Lead for all our readers, and we are praying and hoping you all are having a peaceful and happy holiday season with your loved ones. While being a time for celebration, Christmas is also a time of great meaning. It was the turning point in history; bringing us our savior

Are you interested in improving your professional practice and finding support in your career? Professional supervision may be the answer. In this article, we delve into what you can expect during a professional supervision session and the benefits of engaging in this process.
Professional Supervision: the Sessions
October 27, 2022
Focus on the Supervisor Welcome to week six in our series on what we can learn from the Seven Perspectives for Professional Supervisors. Last week, we delved into the relationships between the Professional Supervisor and their Supervisee. This time, we are narrowing the lens on the Professional Supervisor themselves; examining their professional process and what is going on inside of
The Seven Perspectives: Perspective Six
September 22, 2022
Recently, we looked at the mentoring essential of self-reflection—perhaps, the most important competency of a healthy Christian mentor and a great skill for mentees and human beings in general. It is the gateway that allows us all to begin to grow into a better version of ourselves. But if self-reflection is as far as we get, we are still just
Mentoring Essentials: Empowering Transformative Action
April 7, 2022
The Steps to Mentoring If you are, or are interested in becoming, a mentor for others, there are several essential behaviours every mentor should be applying in their work. In the next few weeks we will be examining these behaviours and providing strategies and exercises to assist our readers in growing in these behaviours. Let us help you become the
Mentoring Essentials: Why Relational Bonds Matter
March 24, 2022
When considering what a healthy Christian mentor looks like, most people think of the leader’s spiritual well-being. However, being a mentor means more than just demonstrating a healthy spiritual life. In order to maintain a healthy spiritual life, they should also show signs that they are caring for their physical and emotional health. If they aren’t in a place physically
Non-Negotiables for a Christian Mentor: A Healthy Lifestyle
March 17, 2022
Today we continue our series on the profile of a Christian mentor. Last week, we began looking at foundational personal qualities of a leader or mentor, three of which are non-negotiables: mature discipleship, seasoned Christian leadership and a healthy lifestyle. In this blog, we focus on what it means as a mentor to have seasoned Christian leadership. We hope this
Non-Negotiables for a Christian Mentor: Seasoned Christian Leadership
March 10, 2022
Introduction to Our New Series Here at Verve Lead, we are excited to be starting a new series exploring the profile of a healthy Christian well-being mentor. I have spent the last several months collaborating with exceptional partners. The profile of a healthy Christian Mentor that we will be looking at was researched and developed by longtime friends of Verve