Any seasoned Christian leader knows that ending professional relationships are a part of life, but that doesn’t make it an any task. There are often feelings or grief, regret, uncertainty or anxiety as one chapter comes to an end and another begins…

It’s a sad truth that mentoring/supervising relationships come to an end.Whatever the reason, closing that time with your mentee/supervisee in a meaningful and ethical way is always important; for the client and for yourself. With some reflection and some intention, it can be a significant time full of gratitude and new insights…
Ending a Mentoring/Supervising Relationship Well (Part I)
August 29, 2024
When a mentor or professional supervisor is assessing their own work, one aspect that must be addressed is the relationship with their clients. While the technical elements of mentoring/supervising are crucial, without a strong and healthy relationship between mentor/supervisor and client, it is almost impossible to facilitate effective transformations…
How to Track and Assess Relationships with Clients
August 22, 2024
In the last few weeks, we have explored the value of client feedback and feedback from our own mentors and supervisors. Today, we look at the importance of peer feedback to complete the evaluation trifecta…
What can we Gain With Feedback From our Peers and Supervisors?
August 15, 2024
In this series, we have considered the importance of evaluation and feedback for mentors and supervisors. Recently, we looked at what sort of feedback we can gather from our clients and how valuable their opinions are. Today, we explore the importance of feedback from our own mentors or supervisors. We all need someone to help us see what we don’t see about ourselves and our practice. We have blindspots, and blindspots can be dangerous. Well-placed feedback and guidelines from those wiser than us can provide a safety net for ourselves and our clients…
The Importance of a Mentor’s Mentor and a Supervisor’s Supervisor
August 9, 2024
The old adage, “Things are not always as they seem,” is one that, despite its simplicity, holds a profound truth, especially for mentors and supervisors. Our clients are complicated humans, full of contradictions, blind spots and self-deceit. When they come to us with a problem, there is almost always more to the issue than meets the eye…
Solving Problems at the Core
July 25, 2024
Recently, I wrote about our mentors/supervising tools as an axe; it’s a tool that needs to be sharpened often. Likewise, we need to find ways to keep us sharp. Here, your client’s feedback can be a great asset to sharpen your tools. Unlike speaking to a third party, your client knows exactly what is happening in your sessions, and they also know what they need personally. They are the best people to review your work…
The Power of a Client’s Constructive Feedback
July 18, 2024
New Series!It is important to continually analyse and adjust your own mentoring methods, not just assume that you are being effective. You should apply assessments, self-reflection, and the assistance of outside perspectives and wisdom to discover what is working and what needs adjusting, your strengths and weaknesses…
New Series for Mentors/Supervisors!
July 4, 2024
We have spent a lot of time looking at the nitty-gritty elements of the relationship between mentors and mentees/supervisors and supervisees; how to handle delicate information and situations, how to treat clients with integrity and dignity, how to navigate conflicting interests…. Many of these issues come back to the parameters of the relationship. A parameter is a fixed limit on