March 17, 2022

Non-Negotiables for a Christian Mentor: A Healthy Lifestyle 

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When considering what a healthy Christian mentor looks like, most people think of the leader’s spiritual well-being. However, being a mentor means more than just demonstrating a healthy spiritual life. In order to maintain a healthy spiritual life, they should also show signs that they are caring for their physical and emotional health. If they aren’t in a place physically to take care of others, or if they are too wrapped up in their emotional trauma or baggage, it will interfere with their ability to help others. This isn’t to say that all mentors need to be living perfectly balanced lives without struggle or challenges, but if you are seeking out a mentor, look for one that is continually self-reflecting, is practising self-care and continually growing in their relationship with Christ.

These seven behavioural expressions indicate a mentor is leading a holistic and healthy lifestyle and in a place to be of service to others. They are also great behavious for anyone to pursue to be happier and healthier: 

Healthy Lifestyle: Prioritising physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being

  • Engages routinely in self-care practices 
  • Has a personal mentor/professional supervisor
  • Keeps healthy boundaries 
  • Establishes a work-life/personal life balance 
  • Practises spiritual disciplines 
  • Develops self-awareness 

I have found that pursuing things that challenge me and making time for activities that replenish me are incredibly helpful. Taking time away from work is not a waste. In fact, when you are rested and happy you will actually be far more effective. I enjoy taking walks. Exercising for my physical health energizes me. Riding my bike and woodworking are great ways to replenish myself. Relationships are key to sustainable health; making time for my wife, my family, my friends and my mentors helps me keep on track, while also allowing me to feel secure and loved.

Here are some questions to ask yourself if you believe your lifestyle could be healthier: 

  • What physical activities in my life do I enjoy? How often do I make time for these activities? 
  • Am I finding time for activities that I find relaxing and replenishing? 
  • Am I giving my relationships the time and attention they deserve? Who is someone I value that I could reach out to this week? 

A reminder:

This journey toward becoming a healthy Christian mentor will not look the same for everyone. We all have different paths towards growth and we never arrive at a place of perfection. If someone seems to be failing in their role, try support before judgment. We can learn from our difficulties and failures and grow into who God wants us to be. 

How healthy are you? – take the profile to  assess your health

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