April 29, 2019

One thing you lose when you lose resilience and what you gain when you find it.

Resilience is not only the ability to absorb the shocks we encounter. It is more than adapting or being able to deal with difficulties. Resilience is seen in our ability to push back on the difficulties. It shows in our capacity to grow. Matt Bloom’s definition gives us great insight. He says “Resilience–our capacity to adapt, change, and respond to life’s challenges, and also our capacity to grow, learn, and to develop new capabilities and capacities.” P 6 – white paper flourishing in Service – WorkWell,

Innovation is lost when you lose resilience

Losing resilience impacted my ability to grow and develop. Doing things the way I used to do became the norm as I became stuck in a rut. I didn’t look for innovation or newness. This has big consequences when as live in such a changing world. New generations think differently from previous generations. Culture is constantly shifting. Losing sight means not being able to see new ways and new things. When you can’t see new ways, the only solution to problems is going harder at the old ways. That’s just a spiral to disaster. Going harder leads to burnout.

Do something new!

Regaining resilience through the process of recovery from burnout enabled me to go where I have not before. I took up woodworking and have made some beautiful furniture from silky oak and red gum. This blog is another new thing. I have learned to coach in a new way and developed new skills in mentoring. The gift of burnout has enabled me to reinvent who I am and what I do. I have discovered a new level of effectiveness. The increase in effectiveness has pleasantly surprised me. I keep hearing, “Your leadership is clearer and stronger,” “You are preaching better than ever”.

Furthermore, life is much easier. I am more happy, more connected, with a greater sense of well-being. Yes, loving life. I understand my fit and my role. This brings great contentment and fulfillment. Life is good!

What is new in your life?

I would love to hear how this has been helpful. Leave a comment at the bottom of the page. Subscribe to ensure you get the next blog on building resilience. We can build resilience in our life and in those we love. We build this self-regulating ability through the building of; self-awareness, self-reflectivity, and self-control.

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