December 23, 2022

Christmas Blessings

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Happy Christmas, everyone! We are so grateful here at Verve Lead for all our readers, and we are praying and hoping you all are having a peaceful and happy holiday season with your loved ones. 

While being a time for celebration, Christmas is also a time of great meaning. It was the turning point in history; bringing us our savior and changing our faith forever. As we near the beginning of a brand new year, it’s a time to look back on 2022 and reflect on the changes and growth we have seen in our lives:

  • What and who am I thankful for?
  • Where have I seen God at work through/in my life this year?
  • What have I not said but need to say?

It’s also a time to look forward to what comes next in this new year full of possibilities:

  • What can best fill my emotional tank to prepare me for 2023?
  • What needs to change? 
  • What is not sustainable in my life? 

As for our plans in the new year, we are going to practise what we preach and take a break from blogging during January to have some much needed R & R. All the best to you!

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