February 27, 2025

Applying Scripture to Our Daily Life

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Christian leaders spend a great deal of time reading the Bible, studying scripture and applying it to their daily lives. We return to Scripture for obvious reasons: we read it primarily to hear God’s word, and also for instruction on how to live like Christ, be a better disciple, and be a better leader. Daily reading also helps us with personal discipline, the practice of reflection and a reminder of God’s great love for us. Reading the Bible and applying its words can bring transformation. 

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12‬:‭10‬-‭11‬ (‭TPT‬‬) (

“Our parents corrected us for the short time of our childhood as it seemed good to them. But God corrects us throughout our lives for our own good, giving us an invitation to share his holiness. Now all discipline seems to be painful at the time, yet later it will produce a transformation of character, bringing a harvest of righteousness and peace to those who yield to it.”

However, while there will be times when engaging with the Lord’s words feels natural and easy, there will also be times when it is more challenging to connect with the message or relate the words with what is going on in our lives. There are ways to find fresh life, understanding and revelation in even our most well-thumbed pieces of scripture. Here are a few that I find helpful: 

Read it With Your Name

It may sound silly, but inserting my name into the verse can help remind me that these words were indeed written for me. For example, when reading 1 John 3:1 (New International Version): “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” I like to put my name into the verse… “See what great love the Father has lavished on Don, that I should be called a child of God! And that is who I am.” In this way, I am affirmed in my relationship with God as He speaks directly to me. 

Of course, it’s essential to apply your name in context. Use your wisdom and look at the scripture as a whole. It does not help to sub my name for Judas when he betrayed Jesus and hung himself—this is not me! Always ask yourself, “Does this apply to me? As someone who is loved by God and loves Him in return?”

The principle behind this is to define your identity through Christ. Who am I? What do the scriptures say about me? About Jesus? It is more about WHO we are than WHAT we should do. 

Make it an Intentional Time

Our world is full of fast information, but the Bible needs to be taken slowly. It’s not some quick instructions to make our days more manageable, but rather a tool to learn who we are, how we are seen in God’s eyes and how to act in His image. When we read scripture, we should carve out intentional time to read and reflect without distraction or rush to the next activity in our day.

Reading the scripture first thing in the morning is my habit. I don’t look at phone texts, socials, emails or news. Instead, I focus on God’s word as my first words of the day. This helps me to define myself based on who God says I am instead of defining it by so many competing and conflicting definitions the world assigns to me. It helps me focus on who I truly am and want to be. 

In the evening, my wife, Adrienne, and I read a chapter from the scriptures. Sometimes, we just sit with what we read; sometimes, we chat about it; sometimes, we talk about how that passage impacts us. This is what works well for us in this stage of life. What works for you and your situation? 

Get Some Assistance

If you are new to reading the Bible or even just feeling stagnant regarding the scripture, download the Bible App: This app is so helpful and free! I recommend starting with the New Living Translation (NLT), as it’s an easier read, free from words we rarely use today. There are reading plans on the Bible app that can help you read at your pace, and the homepage of the Bible app has a verse of the day, a guided scripture and a guided prayer. 

If an app isn’t your style, find a hard copy. As always, a mentor or coach can greatly aid in understanding scripture in new ways. Having a person to chat with and reflect with can change the way you know the Bible and yourself. 

Reflection Questions:

  • When do you read the scriptures?
  • How do you reflect on what you read? Eg What is my take? What is the Holy Spirit saying to me? 
  • What is your practice of applying the scriptures?
  • Where are you seeing God’s transforming power at work in your life?
  • Where do you need to see God’s transforming power in your life?
  • Who can you have a conversation about that with? 

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