November 12, 2020

Our emotions impact others.

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Self-regulating emotions

It is wonderful how the emotion of happiness is contagious. One of the great gifts we can bring to our families is to bring the emotion of happiness home. When happiness is bubbling up inside of us, it starts to bubble inside of others. Laughter and smiles flow from one face to another.
Likewise, the emotion of sadness travels into the people we are connected with. Our emotions impact others.

The chemistry that flows between a courting couple is amazing. Love flowing in the relationship has a reciprocal and compounding effect.

We all have emotions. Some find it difficult to identify what they are. Articulating your emotions with those you are connected to most deeply brings you closer.

Where can I see my emotions impacting others?

Becoming aware of your emotions is one step, another is to self-regulate them. If you have just found our blog, and are wondering how to identify your emotions see Who can help you develop self-awareness?

Moderate feelings

Any parent knows that their emotions impact their children, both negatively and positively. Peace is contagious, but so is anxiety. I do not advocate the suppression of emotions because they are a vital part of us, and ignoring emotions will not help anyone. However, unrestrained emotions can have a disastrous effect. So, we must moderate our emotions by using wisdom to know when and where to express them.

Through self-reflection, we become more self-aware. The quality of self-reflection is seen in the changes we make. Becoming aware of emotions helps us moderate them.

Helpful questions to ask after “What am I feeling?” are, “Why am I feeling that?”, and “What can I do about that?”
Who can help you understand your emotions?

Here is a great passage to reflect on.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity but of power, love, and self-discipline. New Living Translation

You are made with the ability to self-discipline—not only your behaviours but also your emotions.

Here is a benchmark: Healthy Christian Leaders self-regulate emotions.

Subscribe: in the next blogs on self-regulating emotions, we explore what makes people lose emotional restraint and how to exercise emotional restraint.

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