Emotions impact us and others
Emotions have a big impact in our life. If we are feeling sad, our work will suffer. Anger often causes loss of clarity and distracts us from the important. Fatigue is a thick fog that immobilises. Gaining an understanding of your emotions is very important. Ignoring them is disastrous. Giving them unfettered reign is likewise perilous.
Grief is a deep emotion. When we lose someone we love, it is painful. This is not only when someone dies, but also when a relationship ends. Those of us in caring professions feel grief every time someone chooses to find a new carer. People have told me not to take it heart, but it is still painful. A doctor whose patient seeks a new GP feels the loss. A Pastor who has a key someone leave their church experiences grief. How to regulate this emotion? Firstly recognise it, secondly, release them and thirdly give yourself time to heal.
Depression is also a powerful emotion. Arch Hart in his book Adrenaline and Stress says, “Surprisingly, depression is one of the healing emotions. It removes us temporarily from our environment so that our bodies and minds can be restored.”
Hart, Archibald. Adrenaline and Stress: The Exciting New Breakthrough That Helps You Overcome Stress Damage. Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. Location 2329
Depression impacts not only you but also those you are connected to. You will need to withdraw to enable healing, while still reaching out to someone who can help you.
As people, we feel emotions. We grieve because we love and are angry because we care. While our emotions are part of us, they are not made to rule us.
Moderating our emotions
One of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control, and yes, it has to do with choices, sound judgment and keeping impulses in line. But it also applies to our emotions.
Galatians 5: 22–23 But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions:
joy that overflows,
peace that subdues,
patience that endures,
kindness in action,
a life full of virtue,
faith that prevails,
gentleness of heart, and
strength of spirit.
Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless. TPT.
5 steps to self-regulate — This is what I do.
- Ask God to produce His fruit in me.
- Recognise the emotions.
- Express the emotion when appropriate.
- Release the emotion. I find breathing it out helpful.
- Go back to 1.
In work environments—as in all situations of life—it is essential to understand that how you are feeling impacts others. Maintain appropriate professional distance to avoid emotional entanglement and think before speaking, so that you respond rather than react.
Exercise high regard for your self and others by managing your range of feelings effectively.
Here is the benchmark: Healthy Christian Leaders self-regulate emotions.
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