Hi edco Easton!
You have been chosen by Josh Easton to complete this Mentor Competency profile in order to give them a 360º view of their Mentoring Competency.
Please complete this profile from the perspective of a Self Entry.
How to complete the profile.
Do you Agree?: For each of the questions, simply drag the slider to show whether you Strongly Disagree, are Unsure, Strongly Agree or are somewhere in the middle.
Go with your gut: There's no need to ponder these questions too deeply. Many people find that they spend 3–5 minutes completing the profile.
Ok, let's start the profile.
Mentor Profile for Josh Easton
More information.
This way to health.
The Profile of a Healthy Christian Leader helps leaders by taking a holistic health snapshot. It gives you feedback about who you really are and points out what you might overlook or misunderstand about yourself.
You'll identify both your personal strengths and areas for personal growth and development.
Upon completion of this assessment, you should have a more accurate and realistic picture of yourself. This picture can help you become healthier and navigate your leadership responsibilities.