October 17, 2024

A Quick Reminder About Liability Coverage 

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Legal matters and workplace insurance (liability coverage) are an essential part of our work as mentors and supervisors. Finding liability coverage and maintaining it should take up a very small percentage of our time, and once it is set in place, we shouldn’t have to focus on it very often. All that being said, today, we will briefly touch on why liability coverage is important.  

Liability coverage shields you and your client by neutralising potential harm. It provides financial protection by covering defence costs and potential settlements or judgments. Check whether this is a legal requirement for mentors and supervisors in your jurisdiction. However, irrespective of that, having liability coverage is best practice. Many mentoring and professional supervision associations require it and clients expect it.

Ensure that your liability coverage includes both professional indemnity (professional negligence, errors or omissions) and public liability (personal injury or property damage).

Your decisions about coverage should also be disclosed in the contract you create before formally beginning any sessions with a client. 

For many associations, proper insurance is a requirement. For example, AAOS (The Australasian Association of Supervision) requires liability cover if you are a professional practice. Joining an association has the benefits of accountability, ethical practice, and professional standards.

What association are you a member of?

If you are not part of an association and would like to join one, you can try the following resources:

If you are just opening your own mentoring or supervision practice and are uncertain where to begin finding the proper liability coverage, there are plenty of resources online. This would also be a great question for your mentor/supervisor or peers. 

You can also reach out to us at Verve Lead. 

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