building a sustainable life.
Emotions impact us and others Emotions have a big impact in our life. If we are feeling sad, our work will suffer. Anger often causes loss of clarity and distracts us from the important. Fatigue is a thick fog that immobilises. Gaining an understanding of your emotions is very important. Ignoring them is disastrous. Giving them unfettered reign is likewise
5 things to moderate emotional impact
November 19, 2020Self-regulating emotions It is wonderful how the emotion of happiness is contagious. One of the great gifts we can bring to our families is to bring the emotion of happiness home. When happiness is bubbling up inside of us, it starts to bubble inside of others. Laughter and smiles flow from one face to another.Likewise, the emotion of sadness travels
Our emotions impact others.
November 12, 2020This blog is by Max Rankin. Max is one called to come alongside and help. He is part of the leadership of Verve Lead. His practical insights will help many. Flick a link to this to someone who would benefit. Leave a helpful comment below. “I am not stressed but….” If you have heard something like this then read on…