March 11, 2021

Is stress affecting my sleep?

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Stress and sleep

There are lots of reasons that you might not be sleeping; lack of exercise, irregular schedules, too much screen time or too much caffeine…all of these things can all affect your sleep. But nothing keeps you up when you should be sleeping like stress. One of the symptoms I listed in my first visit to the doctor when I was approaching burnout. I would go to sleep watching television and wake up around two every morning. I’d be wide awake. Later, I discovered that my heart was racing. Insomnia became a constant companion for me. I was tired, foggy in the brain and it just added to my stress.

High stress correlates with insomnia, but this is good news because if you have found the cause, you can mitigate the symptoms. Knowing that your insomnia comes from stress means you know the root issues and you can build up the habits to fix them. If insomnia is a constant companion, I recommend seeking medical advice. Your doctor is there to help you be well and can help identify the reasons you might be having trouble sleeping.

Here are five ways to get control of your stress-related insomnia:

  1. Rest from work
  2. See your General Practitioner at least annually
  3. Consider seeing a psychologist to help change thinking patterns
  4. Find a mentor. They can build resilience through developing self-awareness and self-reflection
  5. Personally take ownership of your health. I like to reflect on my own stress levels weekly to keep them in check. See

Better than ever and sleeping well. Praying that will be your story.

These days I am feeling better than ever. I am sleeping well most nights. The benefits of improved sleep patterns are incredible. I feel happier and less depressed, with my body ready for action and not fatigued, and my mind capable, not foggy. Insomnia can feel like a problem without a solution, but there are always ways to help yourself get healthy.

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